Executive Committee
Chair: Liz Moran; 315-247-2008, lmoran @ecologicllc.com
Vice Chair: Chris Rossi; chrisnicky @me.com
Vice Chair: Corey Mosher; 315-750-9035, mosher.corey @gmail.com
Treasurer: Suzy McRae; suzyemcrae @gmail.com
Secretary: Kristi Andersen; andersen @syr.edu
Region 1 Vice Chair: Dave Holmes; dholmes7 @twcny.rr.com
(Region 1 = Towns of Cazenovia, DeRuyter, Fenner, Georgetown, Nelson)
Region 2 Vice Chair: Bruce Moseley; bmmoseley @gmail.com
(Region 2 = Towns of Brookfield, Eaton, Hamilton, Lebanon, Madison, Smithfield)
Region 3 Vice Chair: Carolyn Hall; hallcarolynj @gmail.com
(Region 3 = City of Oneida and Town of Stockbridge)
Region 4 Vice Chair: Rhonda Fibiger; rhondafibe @gmail.com
(Region 4 = Towns of Lenox, Lincoln, Sullivan)
Chair, Fundraising and Events Committee: Laura Martino; lauramartino45 @gmail.com
Chair, Communications Committee: Kathy Zahler; 607-279-6829, kzahler @midline.us
Chair, Candidate Recruitment & Campaign Support Committee; John Nichols; 315-525-8689, pgrove2 @twcny.rr.com
Chair, Membership Committee: Kelly Gardner Williamson; kellizg84 @gmail.com
State Committee: Tammy Hayes; 315-480-5679, thayes11252 @gmail.com
State Committee: Roger Saltman; 315-655-4115, rls30 @cornell.edu; Ann Saltman; anne.b.saltman @gmail.com; Keith Josephs; keithdjosephs @yahoo.com; Margaret Milman-Barris; mmilman @gmail.com
Past Chair: Mike Oot; attymoot @yahoo.com